This is where you can list all your sellable items. Here, you can download a copy of your item list in CSV, or template for importing, by clicking Download CSV on top right of the table. Then, you can import it by clicking Import CSV next to Update button at the bottom.

Here are the explanation of each column, from the left.
Drag on the icon to reorder the items. You may need to use desktop to reorder. Take note that items are grouped by categories, therefore it will be sorted by categories first in the list.
Untick this column to mark an item as temporarily unavailable. It will be greyed out in the shop.
Disable (multi-outlet only)
Tick this column to disable by outlet, if you have multi-outlet. Unlike available column, ticked means unavailable (for the outlet).
Tick this column if you need to request for car deliveries. Usually if an item is more than 30 cm by 30 cm by 30 cm, or weigh more than 10 kg, it is considered bulky. As for fragile items like cakes, you should tick this.
You can attach multiple photos to an item. Make sure the photos are below 2 MB, and of PNG, or JPEG format only.
Assign category to an item. You need to add your categories first before assigning it to items. You may leave it blank but it will not show up in your shop.
This is the base price for the item.
This is description of the item. Example of description is ingredients, notes, packages, or special highlights.
Promo Price
Promo price is special offer price that you can put to entice customers. It will automatically calculate the discount based on price.
Stock Count
Stock count is for items with limited availability. It will be decreased once an order is confirmed.
There are 2 catalogs in the system, which is delivery, and dine-in catalog. Delivery is the default catalog that visitors see when they visit your shop link, and dine-in catalog is for Table QR orders. You may have special dine-in items that you don't offer for delivery/self-pickup.
Outlets will only be shown for multi-outlet. Choose the outlets in which this items will be available.